
. Characterizing Attention Cascades in WhatsApp Groups. In WebSci, 2019.

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. Characterizing the Public Perception of WhatsApp Through the Lens of Media. In RDSM, 2018.

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. Fake news as we feel it: perception and conceptualization of the term 'fake news' in the media. In SocInfo, 2018.

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. Characterizing Politically Engaged Users' Behavior during the 2016 US Presidential Campaign. In ASONAM, 2018.

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. Analyzing The Impact Of Feedback In GitHub On The Software Developer's Mood. In SEKE, 2018.

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. MaE! A Service for Supporting People Meeting at Events. In SAC, 2018.

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. Using SMS to Transfer Small Data Packets During Periods Of High Workloads on Mobile Data Networks. In SBRC, 2015.

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. Characterizing the workload dynamics of a mobile phone network during the FIFA 2014 World Cup. In IPCCC, 2014.

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First significant analysis of the behavior of public groups in WhatsApp in the scientific literature.


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